Parent & Student Portal Information

Hobart Public School District has implemented the Parent & Student Portal as a means to further promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portal allows guardians to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time.

Info -->>

*We use this system only for 2nd -12th grade so if you have a K-1 age student we can go ahead and set you up, but you will only be able to view attendance until your child enters the 2nd grade.

Parent and Student Portal Site

How do I get setup to access the parent portal?


***All I need from you is an email to:

  • Just include the following:
    • Your first and last name
    • First and last name of ALL children enrolled
    • The Schools your child or children are in
    • That's it :)

Once I get things setup you can expect an email from me with your login information.

NOTE: Your account is good as long as you have children in our system. If you have a new child enter the system they will be automatically added to your existing account. If you have any trouble just email me and I can assist you.

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Having trouble logging in?

Most of the access issues are forgotten usernames and/or passwords. There is a new Account Recovery option that was implemented in 2018 that you can use. Like most sites in which you login these days our portal also has a "Forgot Password" option.

Please try that before contacting the school.  If it does not work then contact me at the email below and we'll get you going.

NOTE: If it's not working it is likely because you chose NOT to enable password recovery when you first logged in. If that is the case I highly recommend that you enable this upon getting logged in. Here are the steps you can take to do this if you did not do it upon that first login.

You Enabled Account Recovery, but need to change your email address:
Options >Account >Change Settings>Change Email

You did not Enable Account Recovery at first login:
-Options >Account >Change Settings >Enable Account Recovery Option >Enter Email
-You will now be emailed a verification code
-Copy and paste or just retype that code into the proper field
-Choose Continue


I'm logged in, but do not see my children or child

This happens from time to time. It typically happens for those that might have children in more than one building. I won't bore you with details, but if this happens just contact me (Corey White) with your name and your child or children's name(s) and we can repair it relatively easily.


A little bit about grading calculations you will see

Cumulative Semester Average
For several years now we have been using a cumulative grading system. We realize that it can be a bit confusing, but we felt that it was a more fair and accurate method for calculating your student's grade. This has been a gradual process that we began in 2011 and fully stream-lined the process by the 2013-2014 school year.

Essentially, it boils down to Semester Grades. Semester grades have always been the only grade that really matters for transcripts, GPA, and permanent records. Therefore, moving to a cumulative semester average just made sense. As you follow your student through the year you will notice that you will see cumulative scores for the Fall or Spring as well as progress reports that are sent home in between those times as well. Any progress report or grade that you see will be the student's grade from the beginning of the semester to that particular point in time.

Weighted Assessment
Another item that we would like to point out is that there are various methods that our instructors have the ability to use to calculate grades. We often get questions from concerned parents that have manually calculated grades sent home to them on progress reports. However, many of our teachers use "weighted" scoring. They can give items like tests, quizzes, homework, etc... more or less weight or strength within their gradebook. If this is the case then you cannot simply average your student's grades manually and get their grade. You must factor in the "weights". If you have questions about this your child's teacher should be able to explain this to you in more detail if necessary. If they are busy I'll gladly assist you as well.

Just email me (Corey White -

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Get your new Wengage Portal Apps!

Apps are now available for iPhone and Android for the following applications.

-Student Portal
-Guardian Portal
-Student Records Portal (Not available in Hobart yet)
-Employee Portal (Limited info available here currently)

Wengage at Google Play

Wengage at Apple Store

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